Highland Ants

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Highland Ants

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Samstag 9. August 2014, 23:24

I'm almost halfway reading it (found it online only a few days ago) but I like it a lot. It's about the Northern part of Scotland, UK, and it's for free. A companion volume for the bumblebees book (also for free). You just need to fill in a few questions to see who their general public is.

The site: Highland Biological Recording Group: http://www.hbrg.org.uk/Atlases.html

Highland Ants: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation by Murdo Macdonald, 2013. HBRG, Inverness. ISBN 978 0 9552211 4 9.
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
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Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: Highland Ants

Beitragvon Teleutotje » Sonntag 24. August 2014, 20:16

One marvelous quote from it (p. 20):

"... when reading the older literature, and we should remember with gratitude that we can stand on the shoulders of giants and use the basic biological and taxonomic knowledge painstakingly worked out by the naturalists of the past."
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" Tell-oo-toat-yeh "

" I am who I am , I think ... "
Beiträge: 1259
Registriert: Freitag 1. August 2014, 18:01
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Re: Highland Ants

Beitragvon Merkur » Montag 25. August 2014, 08:06

Wie wahr!

Beim Googlen nach "standing on the shoulders of giants" werden viele Seiten angezeigt, wo diese Metapher gebraucht wird. Ein schönes Beispiel sei hier kurz angesprochen:
http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/1 ... 4556486987
S. Scotchmer (1991): J. Economic perspectives 5, 29-41: “Sir Isaac Newton himself acknowledged: “If I have seen far, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”......

Man sollte es nie vergessen, dass so vieles, was wir heute neu entdecken und weiter entwickeln, Vorläufer und Vor-Denker hat. Es gilt auch für unser heutiges Wissen über Ameisen.

Danke, Teleutotje, für den Hinweis!
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